Last Sunday we went to the North Carolina Zoo in Asheboro. Marianne had a great time -- she saw giraffes, zebras, an elephant, lions, baboons, and more! Of course she also enjoyed watching all of the other little kids at the zoo and saying "Buh-buh-bye!" to everyone we passed. After a tour of "Africa", Marianne rode on the carousel (she got scared after the first few minutes and wanted OFF!) and we had a quick lunch before heading home. We'll have to visit the "North America" portion of the zoo another time.
Here's Marianne running across the bridge toward the zoo entrance. Welcome to Africa!
David (with coffee in hand on a 90 degree day!), Marianne (chillin' with her paci), and the giraffes.
Marianne loved the big elephant!
Get me offa this thing!!!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Animal Orchestra
Friday, June 20, 2008
Sorry for the lack of postings lately. I don't even have a good excuse, we've just been L-I-V-I-N'. Marianne is a cutie and saying or doing something new every day. She can say Minnie's name perfectly (it evolved from Na-na to Nih-Nih to Minnie), and she's starting to sing a little too. Her cover song is a little ditty called "Mama", and the lyrics are:
Mama, and Daddy and Baby
Mama, and Daddy and Baby
She also throws a shout out to GaGa, PaPa, Cocoa, Itty, and Minnie in at random times. Cute. :)
Her other song is what David calls "Marianne's Lament" and is just a long, drawn-out "Mamamamamamamamamama!", usually occuring before and after bathtime.
Santa Claus brought her a Fisher-Price piano for Christmas, and Fisher-Price isn't paying me when I say that it's one of the best baby/toddler toys out there. The piano keys can be programmed to do different things when pressed (sing Do-re-mi-etc., sing the number or color of the keys, or sing the letter of the note). Marianne has enjoyed her piano for several months now, but recently has taken to sitting on the piano keys and singing "Do!" I need to videotape that and figure out how to post it online.
Pictures will be posted soon, I promise!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Brought to you by the number 2...
Seems like Marianne is learning at least one new thing every day. She's been enamored with number two lately (insert your favorite toilet-humor joke here) -- she loves to say "Two!" and is trying hard to make the number two with her fingers.
Mommy: Marianne, how old are you? Are you one?
Marianne: TWO!
And then later...
Mommy: Let's sing the alphabet song. A, B, C, D.......L, M, N, O --
Marianne: P-two!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Beach Baby, Beach Baby, there on the sand...
Marianne took her first trip to the beach last week! We spent the week at Ocean Isle and had a great time. Wonderful weather, awesome beach, and most importantly Marianne enjoyed herself!
She loved the ocean waves -- she clapped for them as they came ashore, and stood in the shallow water balancing as the waves rushed past her. She gave me a few sea shells, and tracked down anyone walking their dogs on the beach so she could say hi.
Our little surfer girl can't wait to go back!