On Tuesday, the meteorologists were accurate in their predictions and we enjoyed quite a large snowfall here in Pinehurst. The snow began at about 1:00 a.m. and lasted for about 12 hours, giving us five inches of fluffy snow to play in! This is the most snow I've ever seen here in Pinehurst (we did get about a foot in 2000 but I was away at college and missed out on the fun), and certainly the most snow Marianne has seen.
With five whole inches, everything in town is shut down, giving us lots of time to stay home and play in the show (and watch the inauguration during Marianne's nap time!). Marianne loves to make snow angels (actually, she'll make them outside or inside, no actual snow required) and watch the dogs act like fools. Minnie loves the snow, and I love to have an excuse for her to wear her hot pink fleece jacket, and Whoopsie has been running through the yard at break-neck speed for the last two days in utter bliss, not wanting to come indoors.
Here are some pics:
Daddy came home early to play with us!
A girl and her dogs: Marianne, Minnie, and Whoopsie

Even snow won't stop Marianne from requesting a wagon ride!


Marianne curiously wiping off the table -- "Where did all this stuff come from?"