Saturday, May 10, 2008

I voted!

Marianne tried to vote in the NC Primary on Tuesday; after all, she is 18 months old! She mostly enjoyed the "I voted today!" sticker and wants her own "curbside voting" sign.

Marianne is working really hard on climbing up and down steps this week. She's just about mastered the steps to GaGa and PaPa's deck, and I think she would practice all afternoon if she could. She also started saying a few more words; two of my favorites are "apple" -- anything round with a stem is an apple these days -- and "supper" (sounds like "upper"). She picks up the dog bowl and says "supper", and also says it whenever Minnie is eating. Now she needs to learn how to say "Psych!" because poor Minnie perks up her ears everytime Marianne announces it's "upper" time!

"Upper! PSYCH!"

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