Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall..."

Marianne is obsessed with mirrors today! She always enjoys looking at herself in the bathroom mirror (and pounding on the mirror at the same time), but today she got the opportunity to admire her reflection at several mirrors in stores across town.

Our mission today was to find a pair of shoes to match her Easter dress. I know, this is cutting it close for me -- not only because Easter is in just a few days, but also because I love shoes and you would think I'd have had her Easter shoes since Christmas! Nope, not this time. I thought it would be pretty easy to find a pair of white dress shoes, but not today. We went to four shops before finally settling on a pastel pink pair of shoes (with built-in squeakers! Those will have to be removed before Sunday!) at my favorite store, Lil Branches.

Four stores! Marianne definitely has radar for mirrors, and enjoyed posing, dancing, and playing peek-a-boo with herself in every mirror in Southern Pines. And even back at home this afternoon, she has been finding all of her toys with mirrors (the little compact in her play purse, the mirror on her brush, mirrors on two of her blocks, and a picture of a mirror on a flashcard...I'm sure there are more mirrors but that's all I can remember).

I sure hope the Easter Bunny will bring her a full-length mirror!

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